Amy’s Story: From Self-Doubt to Finding a Supportive Partner

(Names have been changed to protect identity)

Duration of Coaching: 2 months (5 sessions)
Goal: Heal from past relationship trauma, rebuild confidence, and find a partner aligned with her values.

The Challenge

When Amy started coaching, she was recovering from an abusive relationship and struggling to rebuild her life. She felt trapped by self-doubt and weighed down by guilt from her past.

  • Low Self-Esteem:

    “I had really bad self-esteem and self-perception. I had a rocky relationship with my family that made me think I had to bend over backwards to keep other people in my life and that my needs and wants didn’t matter.”

  • Impact on Her Life:

    “This impacted my career choices, my relationships with friends, and my general wellbeing. I didn’t look after my health. I seemed to choose people that weren’t good for me and people that seemed to want anyone rather than me as a person.”

  • Dating Challenges: Amy felt unsure about recognising red flags and lacked confidence in trusting her intuition.

Amy’s ultimate goal was to find clarity, regain her confidence, and attract a partner who valued her for who she truly was.

The Journey

Through five tailored coaching sessions, we focused on helping Amy:

  • Heal from her past and release feelings of guilt.

  • Build self-confidence and trust her intuition.

  • Clarify her relationship goals and develop tools to navigate dating with awareness.

1. Releasing the Past

Amy had carried guilt and self-blame for years, particularly from a previous relationship . Together, we explored the context of her choices:

  • Amy realised her past behaviours stemmed from unmet emotional needs and a lack of self-worth.

  • Hypnotherapy played a powerful role in helping Amy connect with her younger self:

    “We talked about going back and hugging my childhood self, telling her all the great stuff I achieve in the future, and that I am going to hurt at times but not always.”

  • This process allowed Amy to reframe her narrative with compassion, letting go of self-punishment and embracing her growth.

2. Building Confidence

Amy’s confidence grew as she gained tools to understand herself better and trust her instincts:

  • She explored her boundaries and red flags, realising the importance of protecting her emotional wellbeing.

  • Amy recognised how she had changed herself in past relationships to "fit in," often losing sight of her true self:

    “Now I realise that the right person will accept me as I am.”

  • By celebrating her progress and recognising her emotional intelligence, Amy began to see herself as someone worthy of love and respect.

3. Identifying Relationship Goals

Amy gained clarity about what she truly wanted in a partner:

  • Her non-negotiables included emotional intelligence, shared values, and mutual respect.

  • She learned how to filter for compatibility early in dating and spot potential red flags.

These tools gave her the confidence to approach dating with intention and self-assurance.

4. Navigating New Connections

During coaching, Amy met James (name changed), and together, we explored her feelings of excitement and fear.

  • Initially, Amy worried about being judged for her past, but she bravely opened up to James. His response was kind and reassuring:

    “Everyone has a past, but what matters is being open and honest about who we want to be now.”

  • This moment reinforced Amy’s belief that a healthy, respectful relationship was possible.

Amy shared how James’ kindness, empathy, and shared values aligned with her vision for a supportive, fulfilling partnership:

“I’ve gone from dating people who were manipulative and psychologically abusive to dating someone nice, caring, and understanding who wants to know what I want instead of just manipulating the situation to get what they want.”

The Results

Amy’s transformation over two months has been remarkable:

  • Emotional Healing: Amy reframed her past and let go of self-doubt, embracing herself as someone worthy of love and respect.

  • Increased Confidence: She now trusts her intuition, listens to her body, and sets boundaries to protect her wellbeing.

    “I feel a lot more confident and willing to look after myself. I listen to my body a lot more when I think about stuff like feeling safe, uneasy, or like something just isn’t right.”

  • Found Love: Through our work together, Amy met her new partner, James, who shares her values and respects her boundaries. In her connection with James, Amy has felt safe, valued, and supported. She’s building a relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and shared goals.

  • Healthy Relationship Foundations: In her connection with James, Amy has felt safe, valued, and supported. She’s building a relationship based on mutual respect and shared goals.

Amy’s Reflection

Amy shared how coaching transformed her mindset, confidence, and approach to relationships:

“I feel a lot more confident and self-assured. I don’t feel like everything is my fault anymore! I feel like everything happens for a reason, and the right thing will happen for me.”

“Coaching is definitely the biggest investment you can make. Whilst it might seem expensive, the amount that it can transform your life is amazing. It’s totally different to counselling and CBT but worked way better for me than the traditional therapy routes. It’s worth committing to!”

She also reflected on her journey to meeting James:

“I’ve felt like a totally different person with more energy, more focus, and less time spent thinking about all the negative things in my life. Now people ask me what the secret is to being so positive all the time!”

Key Takeaways for You

Amy’s story shows that healing, clarity, and confidence are the keys to creating the love and life you deserve.

Through tailored coaching, Amy learned to:

  • Heal from her past and release self-doubt.

  • Build confidence in her ability to navigate dating.

  • Attract a partner who values her for who she truly is.

If you’re ready to reclaim your confidence, heal from past relationships, and create a future filled with love and connection, I’m here to help.

Note: Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. This story has been shared with the client’s permission.

Here’s What Amy Has To Say About Her Experience

During Coaching

  1. What did you find most helpful about the coaching process?

    • "I really enjoyed the hypnotherapy sessions we did where we talked about going back and hugging my childhood self and telling her all the great stuff I achieve in the future, as well as telling her that I am going to hurt at times but not always!"

    • "Understanding my own boundaries and red flags was a big one too, and understanding people’s body language."

  2. Were there any specific breakthroughs or insights that changed how you viewed yourself or your relationships?

    • "Specific things that changed my insights into relationships were things like how I changed myself to appear as a more appealing partner and lost myself in the process. Now I realise that the right person will accept me as I am."

Results and Transformation

  1. How has your mindset or approach to relationships changed since coaching?

    • "I appreciate that I’m not running out of time anymore and I am enjoying my own journey rather than comparing myself to others. Sometimes I do get upset and jealous when someone has something I want, but I know that if it’s meant to be, my time will come!"

    • "I’ve also realised that a lot of people project their insecurities onto others, and what people accuse you of can often be a reflection of their own behaviour."

  2. What are some specific outcomes or improvements you’ve experienced?

    • "I feel a lot more confident and willing to look after myself. I feel like I listen to my body a lot more when I think about stuff like feeling safe, uneasy, or like something just isn’t right."

Highlighting the Impact

  1. How do you feel about yourself and your future relationships now compared to when you started coaching?

    • "I feel a lot more confident and self-assured. I don’t feel like everything is my fault anymore! I feel like everything happens for a reason, and the right thing will happen for me."

  2. If you had to summarise your coaching experience in a few sentences, what would you say?

    • "Coaching is definitely the biggest investment you can make. Whilst it might seem expensive, the amount that it can transform your life is amazing. It’s totally different to counselling and CBT but worked way better for me than the traditional therapy routes. It’s worth committing to!"

Encouragement for Others

What would you say to someone who is considering working with a dating coach but feels unsure?

  • "When Lily and I first connected, I was dubious as coaching felt a bit wishy-washy and focusing on relationships felt a bit too close to home. After chatting to her a few times (and after many failed dates), I just thought I’ve got nothing to lose!"

  • "I’ve gone from dating people who were manipulative and psychologically abusive to dating someone nice, caring, and understanding who wants to know what I want instead of just manipulating the situation to get what they want!"

  • "I’ve felt like a totally different person with more energy, more focus, and less time spent thinking about all the negative things in my life. Now people ask me what the secret is to being so positive all the time!"